Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
To know just how He suffered - would be dear -
To know if any Human eyes were near
To whom He could entrust His wavering gaze -
Until it settle firm - on Paradise -
To know if He was patient - part content -
Was Dying as He thought - or different -
Was it a pleasant Day to die -
And did the Sunshine face His way -

What was His furthest mind - Of Home - or God -
Or What the Distant say -
At news that He ceased Human nature
Such a Day -

And Wishes - Had He Any -
Just His Sigh - Accented -
Had been legible - to Me -
And was He Confident until
Ill fluttered out - in Everlasting Well -

And if He spoke - What name was Best -
What first
What One broke off with
At the Drowsiest -

Was He afraid - or tranquil -
Might He know
How Conscious Consciousness - could grow -
Till Love that was - and Love too best to be -
Meet - and the Junction be Eternity.

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    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz


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