Scritto da: Fabio Meneghella

La vera amicizia

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...we put thought the mill, people reveal who they are really. The dilemma shakes unconscious, and disinters it! Instead, it’s wonderful talking with people with an only personality. If they love you, they love you really. I’ve discovered the Love, the fraternal hospitality, seasoned with a love never felt before. There is a different light that shines in their eyes, something that you can’t abandon. Appreciating every single insect, every petal and loving it, like a man! Walking in the dark of the night, in the nature, illuminated only by a splendid full Moon, is sublime! The night painted from the harvest Moon made magic the Firmament! I’ve came back to the Earth, I didn’t know what happened down here, without TV, computer … we lived only with love, contemplation, friendship and pray! And this things give something, that it isn’t necessary a poem to describe it, but you should try it … and that something is the Happyness!
Composto lunedì 30 gennaio 2012

Immagini con frasi


    Scritto da: Fabio Meneghella


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