Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
Climbing to reach the costly Hearts
To which he gave the worth,
He broke them, fearing punishment
He ran away from Earth.
Climbing to reach the costly Hearts
To which he gave the worth,
He broke them, fearing punishment
He ran away from Earth.
Some Arrows slay but whom they strike,
But this slew all but him,
Who so appareled his Escape,
Too trackless for a Tomb.
Pass to thy Rendezvous of Light,
Pangless except for us -
Who slowly ford the Mystery
Which thou hast leaped across.
Muovi al tuo Appuntamento di Luce,
Indolore eccetto per noi -
Che lenti guadiamo il Mistero
Da te attraversato d'un balzo!
By homely gifts and hindered words
The human heart is told
Of nothing -
"Nothing" is the force
That renovates the World.
Her Losses make our Gains ashamed.
She bore Life's empty Pack
As gallantly as if the East
Were swinging at her Back -
Life's empty Pack is heaviest,
As every Porter knows -
In vain to punish Honey -
It only sweeter grows.
Le sue Perdite rendono vili i nostri Guadagni.
Sopportò il vuoto Bagaglio della Vita
Valorosamente come se l'Est
Fosse stato appeso alle sue Spalle -
Il vuoto Bagaglio della Vita è il più gravoso,
Come sa ognuno che lo Porta -
Vano punire il Miele -
Diventa solo più dolce.
No Brigadier throughout the Year
So civic as the Jay -
A Neighbor and a Warrior too
With shrill felicity
Pursuing Winds that censure us
A Febuary Day,
The Brother of the Universe
Was never blown away -
The Snow and he are intimate -
I've often seen them play
When Heaven looked upon us all
With such severity
I felt apology were due
To an insulted sky
Whose pompous frown was Nutriment
To their temerity -
The Pillow of this daring Head
Is pungent Evergreens -
His Larder - terse and Militant -
Unknown - refreshing things -
His Character - a Tonic -
His Future - a Dispute -
Unfair an Immortality
That leaves this Neighbor out.
To be forgot by thee
Surpasses Memory
Of other minds
The Heart cannot forget
Unless it contemplate
What it declines
I was regarded then
Raised from oblivion
A single time
To be remembered what -
Worthy to be forgot
My low renown.
Of Death I try to think like this,
The Well in which they lay us
Is but the Likeness of the Brook
That menaced not to slay us,
But to invite by that Dismay
Which is the Zest of sweetness
To the same Flower Hesperian,
Decoying but to greet us -
I do remember when a Child
With bolder Playmates straying
To where a Brook that seemed a Sea
Withheld us by it's roaring
From just a Purple Flower beyond
Until constrained to clutch it
If Doom itself were the result,
The boldest leaped, and clutched it.
Lives he in any other world
My faith cannot reply
Before it was imperative
'Twas all distinct to me.
Image of Light, Adieu -
Thanks for the interview -
So long - so short -
Preceptor of the whole -
Coeval Cardinal -
Impart - Depart.
Immagine di Luce, Addio -
Grazie per l'udienza -
Così lunga - così corta -
Precettore del tutto -
Coevo Cardine -
Sveli - T'involi -