I think I was enchanted
When first a sombre Girl -
I read that Foreign Lady -
The Dark - felt beautiful -
And whether it was noon at night -
Or only Heaven - at noon -
For very Lunacy of Light
I had not power to tell -
The Bees - became as Butterflies -
The Butterflies - as Swans -
Approached - and spurned the narrow Grass -
And just the meanest Tunes
That Nature murmured to herself
To keep herself in Cheer -
I took for Giants - practising
Titanic Opera -
The Days - to Mighty Metres stept -
The Homeliest - adorned
As if unto a Jubilee
'Twere suddenly confirmed -
I could not have defined the change -
Conversion of the Mind
Like Sanctifying in the Soul -
Is witnessed - not explained -
'Twas a Divine Insanity -
The Danger to be sane
Should I again experience -
'Tis Antidote to turn -
To Tomes of solid Witchcraft -
Magicians be asleep -
But Magic - hath an Element
Like Deity - to keep.
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