The future came with me.
Composta martedì 21 marzo 2017
The future came with me.
You have always been told not to tease the wasps, but i go further and tell you to be aware not to even touch the bees. Although they seem to be quiet and calm, they are also provided with sharpen stingers that are always ready for action.
Ti hanno sempre detto di non stuzzicare le vespe, ma vado altro e ti dico di stare attento a non toccare neppure le api. Anche se appaiono taciturne e pacate, sono ugualmente dotate di pungiglioni affilati e sempre pronti all'uso.
The art is (that) in your heart.
As long as there is sun and rain, our rainbows will keep on shining - no matter who stands in their way.
Fin quando ci sarà sole e pioggia, i nostri arcobaleni continueranno a brillare - non importa chi si porrà sulla loro strada.
Ridisegna il tuo cielo con i colori dei tuoi sogni.
Redessine ton ciel avec les couleurs de tes rêves.
I believe that you have to invest in film, to improve your visual eye.
I believe that the brain is lazy.
Learn how to fight but practice peace.
Murphy's Law of Smugness: Trump First! As to America and the rest of the world, not even God knows when.
Legge di Murphy sull'alterigia: Trump per prima! Circa l'America e il resto del mondo, nemmeno Dio sa quando lo sarà.
Time is wrapped in stars. The moment is saved, cradled in the arms of Eternity.