Frasi in lingua straniera

Scritta da: Manuela Camporaso
in Frasi & Aforismi (Frasi in lingua straniera)
Life is nothing more than madness. Probably there is no karma, no right, no wrong. It's all a bunch of mechanic or random probabilities fighting against emotions, which are simply chemical reactions happening in our brain. Often good people get bad things, bad people get good things. Simple: no meaning, no reasons.
We have these curious habits to give life some meaning just because we want some sort of reward for our efforts. We put effort in things because inside and deeper each one of us is a dreamer, even the most skeptical man on earth. But we should go thru madness first, to get rid of our inner-fake-dreamer, to unlearn the bullshits we have been told from birth and to re-learn how to dream properly, with the help of a less magic but different truth.
If we decide to go thru madness we need to know we may not come out sane from it, and sometime we will have left just that little bit to keep going and survive. If we succeed we will understand that there is nothing to win, nothing to lose, that is all about perception and everything is a cyclic succession of experiences to use wisely.
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    Scritta da: Jean-Paul Malfatti
    in Frasi & Aforismi (Frasi in lingua straniera)
    One may have the right to think whatever he'd like to, but should avoid forming his very own opinion or judgment on baseless, incorrect or pseudo-correct information, even when what he reads or hears seems to be the right thing.

    È lecito che ognuno abbia il diritto di pensarla come vuole, ma deve evitare di costruire la sua opinione o giudizio in base ad un'informazione infondata, incorretta o pseudo-corretta, anche quando ciò che legge o ascolta gli sembra giusto.
    Composta domenica 4 settembre 2016
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      Scritta da: Roberto Giusti
      in Frasi & Aforismi (Frasi in lingua straniera)
      I miss, I miss you... Everytime I think of you, I cry in my mind and invisible tears fall down on my face. My heart is broken, I live in pain and I have no idea when it will the end. Blood. Blood on my head, along my body. Where is the end of suffering? I don't know and honestly is not much important, but... Please talk to me. Talk to me for only another time please. I need you. Listen to me. You know, I am alone in the dark without you. I am alone and incomplete because I've lost a part of me when yoù re gone. Can you see me? Can you hear me? Can you speak to me? Can you come back to me? Can you? I don't believe, I don't think. I don't know where is God, where is hope or happiness. Always I think of you, in reality or dreams. I remember your voice, smile and especially light of your soul. I remember everything and everything remember to me that I continue to be still alone. Alone without you my reason of life, my life. I miss, I miss you. (One day I'll come to you and I'll be happy)
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