Frasi in lingua straniera

Scritta da: Roberto Giusti
in Frasi & Aforismi (Frasi in lingua straniera, Anima, Notte)
Notte... luogo di sussurri, oscurità e stelle, dove il proprio spirito reclama ancora pace nella più intima solitudine di un sorriso baciato da una lacrima

Night... a place of whispers, darkness and stars, where one's spirit still claims peace, in the most intimate solitude of a smile kissed by a tear.
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    Scritta da: Manuela Camporaso
    in Frasi & Aforismi (Frasi in lingua straniera)
    In the last thirty years i have observed, quite a lot, i would say. It is not a surprise to anyone that many of the people who have become (relatively) successful have often stolen their ideas from others. No all of them, of course. There is always the "original creator" somewhere. I am almost certain that our world is lead by great and fine manipulators, but i am not judging here. I certainly understand that the war for success requires a highly competitive attitude, but i would never conform to that. I care too much about being myself that i am even happy to gift others of my own ideas, with all the blessings from the Sky to follow. I am only saddened that, from the beginning of time, the desperate and sophisticated tactics of our own ego are too often justified in name of that "success or glory" so greedily yearned.
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