Scritta da: Peace-Maker
in Frasi & Aforismi (Frasi in lingua straniera)
Die Welt wird von der Güte und nicht von der Schönheit gerettet werden.
Il mondo sarà salvato dalla Bontà e non dalla Bellezza.
Die Welt wird von der Güte und nicht von der Schönheit gerettet werden.
Il mondo sarà salvato dalla Bontà e non dalla Bellezza.
Our heart is like a delicate flower and, as such, we believe we must protect it by raising a barrier. But there are courageous people who, even at the cost of hurting themselves, are able to cross that wall and grab that flower wrapped in thorns.
Life needs passion to not die inside.
La vita ha bisogno di passione per non morire dentro.
Amaze yourself, before impress others.
Stupisci te stesso, prima di impressionare gli altri.
Streets and buildings are full of lost souls. My gaze pushes itself beyond the walls of this engineered Theatre, to get away from the fog that fills my head, thinking about the future ahead.
My heart frantically dances on the plate of the night, while a wolf is staring at me and smiles hungry, ready to grasp all my corrupted fears.
Love doesn't accept humiliation by nature. Everything else is masochism disguised as love.
When you forget everything and let the colors choose for you. From a mistake, from something bad, something beautiful can come out.
When you’re driving fast, you’re feeling free.
No matter the weather I'll keep on being the same one, that is: Me, myself and I.
Non importa che tempo faccia, continuerò ad essere quel che sono, cioè me, me stesso e io.