Poesie di Emily Dickinson

Poetessa, nato venerdì 10 dicembre 1830 a Amherst, Massachusetts (USA - Stati Uniti d'America), morto sabato 15 maggio 1886 a Amherst, Massachusetts (USA - Stati Uniti d'America)
Questo autore lo trovi anche in Frasi & Aforismi e in Proverbi.

Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
I've known a Heaven, like a Tent -
To wrap it's shining Yards -
Pluck up it's stakes, and disappear -
Without the sound of Boards
Or Rip of Nail - Or Carpenter -
But just the miles of Stare -
That signalize a Show's Retreat -
In North America -
No Trace - no Figment of the Thing
That dazzled, Yesterday,
No Ring - no Marvel -
Men, and Feats -
Dissolved as utterly -
As Bird's far Navigation
Discloses just a Hue -
A plash of Oars, a Gaiety -
Then swallowed up, of View.
Emily Dickinson
Vota la poesia: Commenta
    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
    Quando staremo sulla sommità del Tutto -
    E come gli Alberi, guarderemo giù -
    Il fumo si sarà del tutto dissipato -
    E Specchi sulla scena -
    A spargere luce - nessun'anima strizzerà gli occhi
    Eccetto quelle che hanno peccato -
    Quelle Oneste, come le Colline - staranno -
    Nessuna Luce, le mette in fuga -

    I Perfetti, in nessun luogo hanno paura -
    Essi spingono le loro impavide Fronti,
    Dove altri, non oserebbero andare a Mezzogiorno,
    Protetti dai loro atti -

    Le Stelle osano brillare talvolta
    Su un Mondo punteggiato -
    E i Soli, vanno sicuri, alla Prova,
    Come se un Asse, possedessero.
    Emily Dickinson
    Vota la poesia: Commenta
      Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
      Ah, Moon - and Star!
      You are very far -
      But were no one
      Farther than you -
      Do you think I'd stop
      For a Firmament -
      Or a Cubit - or so?
      I could borrow a Bonnet
      Of the Lark -
      And a Chamois' Silver Boot -
      And a stirrup of an Antelope -
      And be with you - Tonight!

      But, Moon, and Star,
      Though you're very far -
      There is one - farther than you -
      He - is more than a firmament - from Me -
      So I can never go!
      Emily Dickinson
      Vota la poesia: Commenta
        Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
        "Heaven" - is what I cannot reach!
        The Apple on the Tree -
        Provided it do hopeless - hang -
        That - "Heaven" is - to Me!
        The Color, on the Cruising Cloud -
        The interdicted Land -
        Behind the Hill - the House behind -
        There - Paradise - is found!

        Her teazing Purples - Afternoons -
        The credulous - decoy -
        Enamored - of the Conjuror -
        That spurned us - Yesterday!
        Emily Dickinson
        Vota la poesia: Commenta
          Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
          Kill your Balm - and it's Odors bless you -
          Bare your Jessamine - to the storm -
          And she will fling her maddest perfume -
          Haply - your Summer night to Charm -
          Stab the Bird - that built in your bosom -
          Oh, could you catch her last Refrain -
          Bubble! "Forgive" - "Some better" - Bubble!
          "Carol for Him - when I am gone"!
          Emily Dickinson
          Vota la poesia: Commenta
            Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
            I think just how my shape will rise -
            When I shall be "forgiven" -
            Till Hair - and Eyes - and timid Head -
            Are out of sight - in Heaven -
            I think just how my lips will weigh -
            With shapeless - quivering - prayer -
            That you - so late - "Consider" me -
            The "Sparrow" of your Care -

            I mind me that of Anguish - sent -
            Some drifts were moved away -
            Before my simple bosom - broke -
            And why not this - if they?

            And so I con that thing - "forgiven" -
            Until - delirious - borne -
            By my long bright - and longer - trust -
            I drop my Heart - unshriven!
            Emily Dickinson
            Vota la poesia: Commenta
              Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
              If he dissolve - then - there is nothing - more -
              Eclipse - at Midnight -
              It was dark - before -
              Sunset - at Easter -
              Blindness - on the Dawn -
              Faint Star of Bethlehem -
              Gone down!

              Would but some God - inform Him -
              Or it be too late!
              Say - that the pulse just lisps -
              The Chariots wait -

              Say - that a little life - for His -
              Is leaking - red -
              His little Spaniel - tell Him!
              Will He heed?
              Emily Dickinson
              Vota la poesia: Commenta
                Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
                The Court is far away -
                No Umpire - have I -
                My Sovereign is offended -
                To gain his grace - I'd die!
                I'll seek his royal feet -
                I'll say - Remember - King -
                Thou shalt - thyself - one day - a Child -
                Implore a larger - thing -

                That Empire - is of Czars -
                As small - they say - as I -
                Grant me - that day - the royalty -
                To intercede - for Thee.
                Emily Dickinson
                Vota la poesia: Commenta
                  Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
                  You're right - "the way is narrow" -
                  And "difficult the Gate" -
                  And "few there be" - Correct again -
                  That "enter in - thereat" -
                  'Tis Costly - So are purples!
                  'Tis just the price of Breath -
                  With but the "Discount" of the Grave -
                  Termed by the Brokers - "Death"!

                  And after that - there's Heaven -
                  The Good Man's - "Dividend" -
                  And Bad Men - "go to Jail" -
                  I guess.
                  Emily Dickinson
                  Vota la poesia: Commenta