Jean-Paul Malfatti

Nella frase "Il vento soffiava tra i rami; Sospiri seguiti..." di Jean-Paul Malfatti
Not everyone who appears or claims to be gay is actually gay. Among professionals of different categories, there are many models, hairdressers, tailors and dancers who pretend to be so in order to get greater visibility or achieve some fame in a faster and more profitable way.

Non tutti coloro che sembrano o affermano di essere gay lo sono in realtà. Tra professionisti di diverse categorie, ci sono tantissime modelli, parrucchieri, sarti e ballerini che fanno finta di esserlo per ottenere una maggiore visibilità o raggiungere alcuna fama in maniera più veloce e proficua.

Jean-Paul Malfatti
3 anni e 1 mese fa
Nella frase "Tra inferni celestiali e paradisi infernali..." di Jean-Paul Malfatti
Oxymorons of life | poem

Among celestial hells
and hellish heavens,
I have walked streets with
neither a start nor a stop,
with the head on the clouds
and fatigue on the legs.

Among sad joys
and cheerful sadness,
I quarreled and made peace
with wicked angels
and angelic demons,
without looking behind.

Between pains of happiness
and smiles of bitterness,
I did duels against
gods, devils and myself.
I have won lost battles
and lost those already won.

Between doubtful certainties
and unshakable doubts,
I discovered false truths
and truthful lies.
And it is precisely for this reason
and much more today ...

I am as sweet as gall
and as bitter as honey.

Jean-Paul Malfatti🖋
3 anni e 6 mesi fa
Nella frase "Tra le farfalle colorate, volavano anche le..." di Jean-Paul Malfatti
Amorino mio, un bacio di luce sul cuore...TI ADOROOOOOO! '-)
11 anni e 6 mesi fa