No, I have never been tired of being tired. It is a strange tiredness that calmly calms my mind and my soul as well. A respite that I've always been in need of; and that, so far, has been good only to me — just to me myself and I.
🇺🇸I've been a gay for a lifetime, living so far as a gay, and I'm proud of it. So I don't give a damn if there are still those (many) who don't see me with gay-friendly or, simply, with courteous eyes. Let them just put themselves in their shoes; and I, as always, right in mine.
🇮🇹 Sono gay da una vita, vivo da gay fino ad oggi, e ne sono fiero. Quindi non mi frega un tubo se ci sono ancora quelli (tanti) che non mi vedono con degli occhi gay-friendly o, semplicemente, cortesi. Che loro si mettano solo nei loro panni; ed io, come sempre, proprio nei miei.
Riding on the clouds of my thoughts, to the sound of the feeble gallops of my invisible horse and the cries that I sigh at a lazy and listless wind, I continue sailing, without stopping, towards a sky that no longer exists or that perhaps, who knows, not never existed.
Jean-Paul Malfatti 🖋
No, I have never been tired of being tired. It is a strange tiredness that calmly calms my mind and my soul as well. A respite that I've always been in need of; and that, so far, has been good only to me — just to me myself and I.
Jean-Paul Malfatti🖋
🇮🇹 Un bel giorno Il sabato si è sposato con la domenica ed insieme hanno creato il nostro tanto amato e voluto weekend.
Jean-Paul Malfatti ✍
Jean-Paul Malfatti🖋
🇮🇹 Sono gay da una vita, vivo da gay fino ad oggi, e ne sono fiero. Quindi non mi frega un tubo se ci sono ancora quelli (tanti) che non mi vedono con degli occhi gay-friendly o, semplicemente, cortesi. Che loro si mettano solo nei loro panni; ed io, come sempre, proprio nei miei.
Jean-Paul Malfatti🖋
Saturday sweet Saturday,
my most loved day.
Such a special day,
on which joy assails me.
Saturday sweet Saturday,
it's a pity it's so short.
Perhaps it never ends,
just like an eternal bonsai.
Saturday sweet Saturday,
I hope you come back soon.
You'll always be well-liked,
appreciated and welcome.
Jean-Paul Malfatti🖋
Jean-Paul Malfatti
Bob Dylan
🇮🇹 Anche se prevedibili, purtroppo certe catastrofi naturali sono e rimangono inevitabili e invincibili.
Jean-Paul Malfatti.🖋