Poesie in lingua straniera

Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
Could live - did live -
Could die - did die -
Could smile upon the whole
Through faith in one he met not -
To introduce his soul -
Could go from scene familiar
To an untraversed spot -
Could contemplate the journey
With unpuzzled heart -

Such trust had one among us -
Among us not today -
We who saw the launching
Never sailed the Bay.
Vota la poesia: Commenta
    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
    in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
    I had some things that I called mine -
    And God, that he called his -
    Till, recently a rival Claim
    Disturbed these amities.
    The property, my garden,
    Which having sown with care,
    He claims the pretty acre,
    And sends a Bailiff there.

    The station of the parties
    Forbids publicity,
    But Justice is sublimer
    Than arms, or pedigree.

    I'll institute an "Action" -
    I'll vindicate the law -
    Jove! Choose your counsel -
    I retain "Shaw"!
    Vota la poesia: Commenta