Frasi in lingua straniera

Scritta da: Fabio Meneghella
in Frasi & Aforismi (Frasi in lingua straniera)
When life will go over itself, reality will overtake dreams. If you are born, you're already a winner, in the Universe womb of your precious mother you've wrought millions of candidates to life. You're already the chosen one, you've already flown one time. Now God ask you to make your last flight. Conquest your brothers'brain, conquest Synaptic Paradise and you'll conquest the eternity, and the real Paradise will open your eyes. A woman's heart will accompany the passage of time, and it will be the symbol of your rebirth. To save the world, we don't need an hero, but a good parent.
You're a memory, you're reborn, the Earth will have you. You're in my brain, you'll fly over your brothers'brain, like the Verb of God. This will be your Paradise, you'll fly, because flying is believing!
Composta giovedì 4 giugno 2015
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    Scritta da: Jean-Paul Malfatti
    in Frasi & Aforismi (Frasi in lingua straniera)
    There's nothing sexier and yummier than to feel a freshly-picked strawberry sliding gently through the lips, before it starts being chewed with pleasure and swallowed with eagerness.

    Non c'è niente di più sexy e delizioso che sentire una fragola appena colta scorrere dolcemente tra le labbra, prima di iniziare ad essere gradevolmente masticata e golosamente inghiottita.
    Composta mercoledì 1 luglio 2015
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      Scritta da: Rosita Ramirez
      in Frasi & Aforismi (Frasi in lingua straniera)
      Sonrie a la vida, cuando hay un motivo para ser felices, y tu mundo sera maravilloso! Sigue sonando, que tus suenos se pueden ser realidad, pero si crees!
      Sorridi alla vita, quando hai un motivo per essere felice, e il tuo mondo sarà meraviglioso! Continua a sognare, i sogni si possono avverare, ma solo se ci credi!
      Composta lunedì 6 aprile 2015
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