Poesie in lingua straniera migliori

Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
Water, is taught by thirst.
Land - by the Ocean passed.
Transport - by throe -
Peace - by its battles told
Love, by Memorial Mold -
Birds, by the Snow.

L'acqua è insegnata dalla sete.
La terra, dagli oceani traversati.
La gioia, dal travaglio.
La pace, dai racconti di battaglia.
L'amore da un'impronta di memoria.
Gli uccelli, dalla neve.
Vota la poesia: Commenta
    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
    in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)

    Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? (Sonnet 18)

    Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
    Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
    Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
    And summer's lease hath all too short a date:
    Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
    And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
    And every fair from fair sometime declines,
    By chance, or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
    But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
    Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
    Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
    When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
    So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
    Vota la poesia: Commenta
      Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
      in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)


      Then a lawyer said, "But what of our Laws, master? "
      And he answered:
      You delight in laying down laws,
      Yet you delight more in breaking them.
      Like children playing by the ocean who build sand-towers
      with constancy and then destroy them with
      But while you build your sand-towers the ocean brings
      more sand to the shore,
      And when you destroy them, the ocean laughs with
      Verily the ocean laughs always with the innocent.
      But what of those to whom life is not an ocean, and
      man-made laws are not sand-towers,
      But to whom life is a rock, and the law a chisel with
      which they would carve it in their own likeness?
      What of the cripple who hates dancers?
      What of the ox who loves his yoke and deems the elk
      and deer of the forest stray and vagrant things?
      What of the old serpent who cannot shed his skin, and
      calls all others naked and shameless?
      And of him who comes early to the wedding-feast, and
      when over-fed and tired goes his way saying that all
      feasts are violation and all feasters law-breakers?
      What shall I say of these save that they too stand in the
      sunlight, but with their backs to the sun?
      They see only their shadows, and their shadows are
      their laws.
      And what is the sun to them but a caster of shadows?
      And what is it to acknowledge the laws but to stoop
      down and trace their shadows upon the earth?
      But you who walk facing the sun, what images drawn
      on the earth can hold you?
      You who travel with the wind, what weathervane shall
      direct your course?
      What man's law shall bind you if you break your yoke
      but upon no man's prison door?
      What laws shall you fear if you dance but stumble
      against no man's iron chains?
      And who is he that shall bring you to judgment if you
      tear off your garment yet leave it in no man's path?
      People of Orphalese, you can muffle the drum, and you
      can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall
      command the skylark not to sing ?
      Vota la poesia: Commenta
        Scritta da: Tommaso Mazzoni
        in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
        Mais, je ne me plaindrai pas. J'ai reçu la vie
        comme une blessure, et j'ai défendu au suicide
        de guérir la cicatrice. Je veux que le Créateur
        en contemple, à chaque heure de son éternitè,
        la crevasse béante.

        Ma non mi lamenterò più. Ho ricevuto la vita
        come una ferita e ho proibito al suicidio
        di guarire la cicatrice. Voglio che il Creatore
        ne contempli, in ogni ora della sua eternità,
        il crepaccio spalancato.
        Vota la poesia: Commenta
          Scritta da: Julie Gensini
          in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)

          Elévation (Elevazione)

          Au-dessus des étanges, au-dessus des vallées,
          des montagnes, des bois, des nuages, des mers,
          par delà le soleil, per delà les éthers,
          per delà les confins des sphères étoilées,

          Mon esprit, tu te meus avec agilitè,
          et, comme un bon nageur qui se pame dans l'onde,
          tu sillonnes gaiement l'immensitè profonde
          avec une indicible et male voluptè.

          Envole-toi bien loin de ces miasmes morbides;
          va te purifier dans l'air supérieur,
          et bois, comme une pure et divine liqueur,
          le feu clair qui remplit les espaces limpides.

          Derrière les ennuis et les vastes chagrins
          qui changent de leur poids l'existence brumeuse,
          heureux celui qui peut d'une aile vigoreuse
          s'élancer vers les champs lumineux et sereins;

          Celui dont les pensers, comme des alouettes,
          vers le cieux le matin prennent un libre essor,
          - qui plane sur la vie, et comprend sans effort
          le langage des fleurs et des choses muettes!

          Al di là degli stagni, delle valli e dei monti,
          al di là dei boschi, delle nuvole e dei mari,
          al di là del sole, al di là dell'aria,
          al di là dei confini delle stellate sfere,

          Tu, mio spirito, ti muovi con agilità
          e, come buon nuotatore che gode tra le onde,
          allegro solchi la profonda immensità
          con indocile e maschia voluttà.

          Fuggi lontano dai morbosi miasmi,
          voli a purificarti nell'aria più alta,
          e bevi, come un puro liquido divino,
          il fuoco chiaro che colma spazi limpidi.

          Le spalle alla noia e ai vasti affanni
          che opprimono col loro peso la nebbiosa vita,
          felice chi con ali vigorose
          si eleva verso campi sereni e luminosi;

          Chi lancia i pensieri come allodole
          in libero volo verso il cielo del mattino,
          - chi si libra sulla vita e comprende senza sforzo
          il linguaggio dei fiori e delle cose mute!
          Vota la poesia: Commenta
            Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
            in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)


            And a youth said, "Speak to us of Friendship".
            And he answered, saying:
            Your friend is your needs answered.
            He is your field which you sow with love and reap with
            And he is your board and your fireside.
            For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek
            him for peace.
            When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the
            "nay" in your own mind, nor do you withhold the "ay".
            And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to
            his heart;
            For without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all
            desires, all expectations are born and shared, with joy
            that is unacclaimed.
            When you part from your friend, you grieve not;
            For that which you love most in him may be clearer in
            his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer
            from the plain.
            And let there be no purpose in friendship save the
            deepening of the spirit.
            For love that seeks aught but the disclosure of its own
            mystery is not love but a net cast forth: and only the
            unprofitable is caught.
            And let your best be for your friend.
            If he must know the ebb of your tide, let him know its
            flood also.
            For what is your friend that you should seek him with
            hours to kill?
            Seek him always with hours to live.
            For it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness.
            And in the sweetness of friendship let there be
            laughter, and sharing of pleasures.
            For in the dew of little things the heart finds its.
            Vota la poesia: Commenta
              Scritta da: Marilena P
              in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
              Hold fast to dreams
              For if dreams die
              Life is a broken-winged bird
              That cannot fly
              Hold fast to dreams
              For when dreams go
              Life is a barren field
              Frozen with snow.

              Tieni stretti i tuoi sogni
              perché se i sogni muoiono
              la vita è come un uccelo con le ali spezzate
              che non può volare
              Tieni stretti i tuoi sogni
              perché se i sogni se ne vanno
              la vita è un campo sterile
              congelato dalla neve.
              Vota la poesia: Commenta
                Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
                in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)

                Cet amour

                Cet amour
                Si violent
                Si fragile
                Si tendre
                Si désespéré
                Cet amour
                Beau comme le jour
                Et mauvais comme le temps
                Quand le temps est mauvais
                Cet amour si vrai
                Cet amour si beau
                Si heureux
                Si joyeux
                Et si dérisoire
                Tremblant de peur comme un enfant dans le noir
                Et si sûr de lui
                Comme un homme tranquille au milieu de la nuit
                Cet amour qui faisait peur aux autres
                Qui les faisait parler
                Qui les faisait blêmir
                Cet amour guetté
                Parce que nous le guettions
                Traqué blessé piétiné achevé nié oublié
                Parce que nous l'avons traqué blessé piétiné achevé nié oublié
                Cet amour tout entier
                Si vivant encore
                Et tout ensoleillé
                C'est le tien
                C'est le mien
                Celui qui a été
                Cette chose toujours nouvelles
                Et qui n'a pas changé
                Aussi vraie qu'une plante
                Aussi tremblante qu'un oiseau
                Aussi chaude aussi vivante que l'été
                Nous pouvons tous les deux
                Aller et revenir
                Nous pouvons oublier
                Et puis nous rendormir
                Nous réveiller souffrir vieillir
                Nous endormir encore
                Rêver à la mort
                Nous éveiller sourire et rire
                Et rajeunir
                Notre amour reste là
                Têtu comme une bourrique
                Vivant comme le désir
                Cruel comme la mémoire
                Bête comme les regrets
                Tendre comme le souvenir
                Froid comme le marbre
                Beau comme le jour
                Fragile comme un enfant
                Il nous regarde en souriant
                Et il nous parle sans rien dire
                Et moi j'écoute en tremblant
                Et je crie
                Je crie pour toi
                Je crie pour moi
                Je te supplie
                Pour toi pour moi et pour tous ceux qui s'aiment
                Et qui se sont aimés
                Oui je lui crie
                Pour toi pour moi et pour tous les autres
                Que je ne connais pas
                Reste là
                Là où tu es
                Là où tu étais autrefois
                Reste là
                Ne bouge pas
                Ne t'en va pas
                Nous qui sommes aimés
                Nous t'avons oublié
                Toi ne nous oublie pas
                Nous n'avions que toi sur la terre
                Ne nous laisse pas devenir froids
                Beaucoup plus loin toujours
                Et n'importe où
                Donne-nous signe de vie
                Beaucoup plus tard au coin d'un bois
                Dans la forêt de la mémoire
                Surgis soudain
                Tends-nous la main
                Et sauve-nous.
                Vota la poesia: Commenta