In lands I never saw - they say Immortal Alps look down - Whose Bonnets touch the firmament - Whose Sandals touch the town - Meek at whose everlasting feet A Myriad Daisy play - Which, Sir, are you and which am I Upon an August day
A something in a summer's Day As slow her flambeaux burn away Which solemnizes me. A something in a summer's noon - A depth - an Azure - a perfume - Transcending extasy.
And still within a summer's night A something so transporting bright I clap my hands to see -
Then vail my too inspecting face Lest such a subtle - shimmering grace Flutter too far for me -
The wizard fingers never rest - The purple brook within the breast Still chafes it's narrow bed -
Still rears the East her amber Flag - Guides still the sun along the Crag His Caravan of Red -
So looking on - the night - the morn Conclude the wonder gay - And I meet, coming thro' the dews Another summer's Day!
As Watchers hang upon the East - As Beggars revel at a feast By savory fancy spread - As Brooks in Deserts, babble sweet On Ear too far for the delight - Heaven beguiles the tired. As that same Watcher, when the East Opens the lid of Amethyst And lets the morning go - That Beggar, when an honored Guest - Those thirsty lips to flagons pressed - Heaven to us, if true.
Perhaps you'd like to buy a flower, But I could never sell - If you would like to borrow, Until the Daffodil Unties her yellow Bonnet Beneath the village door, Until the Bees, from Clover rows Their Hock, and Sherry, draw,
Why, I will lend until just then, But not an hour more!
Perhaps you'd like to buy a flower, But I could never sell - If you would like to borrow, Until the Daffodil Unties her yellow Bonnet Beneath the village door, Until the Bees, from Clover rows Their Hock, and Sherry, draw,
Why, I will lend until just then, But not an hour more!
As Children bid the Guest "Good Night" And then reluctant turn - My flowers raise their pretty lips - Then put their nightgowns on. As children caper when they wake - Merry that it is Morn - My flowers from a hundred cribs Will peep, and prance again
I bring an unaccustomed wine To lips long parching Next to mine, And summon them to drink; Crackling with fever, they essay, I turn my brimming eyes away, And come next hour to look.
The hands still hug the tardy glass - The lips I w'd have cooled, alas - Are so superfluous cold -
I w'd as soon attempt to warm The bosoms where the frost has lain Ages beneath the mould -
Some other thirsty there may be To whom this w'd have pointed me Had it remained to speak -
And so I always bear the cup If, haply, mine may be the drop Some pilgrim thirst to slake -
If, haply, any say to me "Unto the little, unto me," When I at last awake -
Besides the Autumn poets sing A few prosaic days A little this side of the snow And that side of the Haze - A few incisive mornings - A few Ascetic eves - Gone - Mr Bryant's "Golden Rod" - And Mr Thomson's "sheaves."
Still, is the bustle in the Brook - Sealed are the spicy valves - Mesmeric fingers softly touch The Eyes of many Elves -
Perhaps a squirrel may remain - My sentiments to share - Grant me, Oh Lord, a sunny mind - Thy windy will to bea
These are the days when Birds come back - A very few - a Bird or two - To take a backward look. These are the days when skies resume The old - old sophistries of June - A blue and gold mistake.
Oh fraud that cannot cheat the Bee. Almost thy plausibility Induces my belief,
Till ranks of seeds their witness bear - And softly thro' the altered air Hurries a timid leaf.
Oh sacrament of summer days, Oh Last Communion in the Haze - Permit a child to join -
Thy sacred emblems to partake - Thy consecrated bread to take And thine immortal wine!