Some things that fly there be - Birds - Hours - the Bumblebee - Of these no Elegy. Some things that stay there be - Grief - Hills - Eternity - Nor this behooveth me.
There are that resting, rise. Can I expound the skies? How still the Riddle lies.
As by the dead we love to sit - Become so wondrous dear - As for the lost we grapple Tho' all the rest are here - In broken mathematics We estimate our prize Vast - in it's fading ratio To our penurious eyes!
Whose cheek is this? What rosy face Has lost a blush today? I found her - "pleiad" - in the woods And bore her safe away - Robins, in the tradition Did cover such with leaves, But which the cheek - And which the pall My scrutiny deceives.
We should not mind so small a flower - Except it quiet bring Our little garden that we lost Back to the Lawn again. So spicy her Carnations nod - So drunken, reel her Bees - So silver steal a hundred flutes From out a hundred trees -
That whose sees this little flower By faith may clear behold The Bobolinks around the throne And Dandelions gold.
Our lives are Swiss - So still - so Cool - Till some odd afternoon The Alps neglect their Curtains And we look farther on! Italy stands the other side! While like a guard between - The solemn Alps - The siren Alps Forever intervene!
Going to Heaven! I dont know when - Pray do not ask me how! Indeed I'm too astonished To think of answering you! Going to Heaven! How dim it sounds! And yet it will be done As sure as flocks go home at night Unto the Shepherd's arm! Perhaps you're going too! Who knows? If you sh'd get there first Save just a little space for me Close to the two I lost - The smallest "Robe" will fit me And just a bit of "Crown" - For you know we do not mind our dress When we are going home -
I'm glad I dont believe it For it w'd stop my breath - And I'd like to look a little more At such a curious Earth! I am glad they did believe it Whom I have never found Since the mighty autumn afternoon I left them in the ground.
A poor - torn heart - a tattered heart - That sat it down to rest - Nor noticed that the ebbing Day Flowed silver to the west - Nor noticed Night did soft descend - Nor Constellation burn - Intent upon the vision Of latitudes unknown. The angels - happening that way This dusty heart espied - Tenderly took it up from toil And carried it to God - There - sandals for the Barefoot - There - gathered from the gales - Do the blue havens by the hand Lead the wandering Sails.
Never hear the word "Escape" Without a quicker blood! A sudden expectation! A flying attitude! I never hear of prisons broad By soldiers battered down - But I tug, childish, at my bars Only to fail again!
Exultation is the going Of an inland soul to sea, Past the houses - past the headlands, Into deep Eternity - Bred as we, among the mountains, Can the sailor understand The divine intoxication Of the first league out from land.