If he dissolve - then - there is nothing - more - Eclipse - at Midnight - It was dark - before - Sunset - at Easter - Blindness - on the Dawn - Faint Star of Bethlehem - Gone down!
Would but some God - inform Him - Or it be too late! Say - that the pulse just lisps - The Chariots wait -
Say - that a little life - for His - Is leaking - red - His little Spaniel - tell Him! Will He heed?
The Court is far away - No Umpire - have I - My Sovereign is offended - To gain his grace - I'd die! I'll seek his royal feet - I'll say - Remember - King - Thou shalt - thyself - one day - a Child - Implore a larger - thing -
That Empire - is of Czars - As small - they say - as I - Grant me - that day - the royalty - To intercede - for Thee.
You're right - "the way is narrow" - And "difficult the Gate" - And "few there be" - Correct again - That "enter in - thereat" - 'Tis Costly - So are purples! 'Tis just the price of Breath - With but the "Discount" of the Grave - Termed by the Brokers - "Death"!
And after that - there's Heaven - The Good Man's - "Dividend" - And Bad Men - "go to Jail" - I guess.
The Lamp burns sure - within - Tho' Serfs - supply the Oil - It matters not the busy Wick - At her phosphoric toil! The Slave - forgets - to fill - The Lamp - burns golden - on - Unconscious that the oil is out - As that the Slave - is gone.
We - Bee and I - live by the quaffing - 'Tis'nt all Hock - with us - Life has it's Ale - But it's many a lay of the Dim Burgundy - We chant - for cheer - when the Wines - fail - Do we "get drunk"? Ask the jolly Clovers! Do we "beat" our "Wife"? I - never wed - Bee - pledges his - in minute flagons - Dainty - as the trees - on her deft Head -
While runs the Rhine - He and I - revel - First - at the vat - and latest at the Vine - Noon - our last Cup - "Found dead" - "of Nectar" - By a humming Coroner - In a By-Thyme!
A Burdock - clawed my Gown - Not Burdock's - blame - But mine - Who went too near The Burdock's Den - A Bog - affronts my shoe - What else have Bogs - to do - The only Trade they know - The splashing Men! Ah, pity - then!
'Tis Minnows can despise! The Elephant's - calm eyes Look further on!
Blazing in Gold - and Quenching - in Purple! Leaping - like Leopards - to the sky - Then - at the feet of the old Horizon - Laying it's spotted face - to die! Stooping as low as the kitchen window - Touching the Roof - And tinting the Barn - Kissing it's Bonnet to the Meadow - And the Juggler of Day - is gone!
Teach Him - When He makes the names - Such an one - to say - On his babbling - Berry - lips - As should sound - to me - Were my Ear - as near his nest - As my thought - today - As should sound - "Forbid us not" - Some like "Emily".