Poesie in lingua straniera

Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
A Shady friend - for Torrid days -
Is easier to find -
Than one of higher temperature
For Frigid - hour of Mind -
The Vane a little to the East -
Scares Muslin souls - away -
If Broadcloth Hearts are firmer -
Than those of Organdy -

Who is to blame? The Weaver?
Ah, the bewildering thread!
The Tapestries of Paradise
So notelessly - are made.
Vota la poesia: Commenta
    Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
    in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
    What if I say I shall not wait!
    What if I burst the fleshly Gate -
    And pass escaped - to thee!
    What if I file this Mortal - off -
    See where it hurt me - That's enough -
    And wade in Liberty!

    They cannot take me - any more!
    Dungeons can call - and Guns implore
    Unmeaning - now - to me -

    As laughter - was - an hour ago -
    Or Laces - or a Travelling Show -
    Or who died - yesterday!
    Vota la poesia: Commenta
      Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
      in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
      Many a phrase has the English language -
      I have heard but one -
      Low as the laughter of the Cricket,
      Loud, as the Thunder's Tongue -
      Murmuring, like old Caspian Choirs,
      When the Tide's a' lull -
      Saying itself in new inflection -
      Like a Whippowil -

      Breaking in bright Orthography
      On my simple sleep -
      Thundering it's Prospective -
      Till I stir, and weep -

      Not for the Sorrow, done me -
      But the push of Joy -
      Say it again, Saxon!
      Hush - Only to me!
      Vota la poesia: Commenta
        Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
        in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
        Doubt Me! My Dim Companion!
        Why, God, would be content
        With but a fraction of the Life -
        Poured thee, without a stint -
        The whole of me - forever -
        What more the Woman can,
        Say quick, that I may dower thee
        With last Delight I own!
        It cannot be my Spirit -
        For that was thine, before -
        I ceded all of Dust I knew -
        What Opulence the more
        Had I - a freckled Maiden,
        Whose farthest of Degree,
        Was - that she might -
        Some distant Heaven,
        Dwell timidly, with thee!

        Sift her, from Brow to Barefoot!
        Strain till your last Surmise -
        Drop, like a Tapestry, away,
        Before the Fire's Eyes -
        Winnow her finest fondness -
        But hallow just the snow
        Intact, in Everlasting flake -
        Oh, Caviler, for you!
        Vota la poesia: Commenta
          Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
          in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
          The only Ghost I ever saw
          Was dressed in Mechlin - so -
          He had no sandal on his foot -
          And stepped like flakes of snow -
          His Gait - was soundless, like a Bird -
          But rapid - like the Roe -
          His fashions, quaint, Mosaic -
          Or haply, Mistletoe -

          His conversation - seldom -
          His laughter, like the Breeze -
          That dies away in Dimples
          Among the pensive Trees -

          Our interview - was transient -
          Of me, himself was shy -
          And God forbid I look behind -
          Since that appalling Day!
          Vota la poesia: Commenta
            Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
            in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
            He put the Belt around my life -
            I heard the Buckle snap -
            And turned away, imperial,
            My Lifetime folding up -
            Deliberate, as a Duke would do
            A Kingdom's Title Deed -
            Henceforth, a Dedicated sort -
            A Member of the Cloud.
            Yet not too far to come at call -
            And do the little Toils
            That make the Circuit of the Rest -
            And deal occasional smiles
            To lives that stoop to notice mine -
            And kindly ask it in -
            Whose invitation, know you not
            For Whom I must decline?
            Vota la poesia: Commenta
              Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
              in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
              A solemn thing - it was - I said -
              A woman - white - to be -
              And wear - if God should count me fit -
              Her blameless mystery -
              A hallowed thing - to drop a life
              Into the purple well -
              Too plummetless - that it return -
              Eternity - until -

              I pondered how the bliss would look -
              And would it feel as big -
              When I could take it in my hand -
              As glimmering - seen - through fog -

              And then - the size of this "small" life -
              The Sages - call it small -
              Swelled - like Horizons - in my vest -
              And I sneered - softly - "small"!
              Vota la poesia: Commenta
                Scritta da: Silvana Stremiz
                in Poesie (Poesie in lingua straniera)
                One Life of so much Consequence!
                Yet I - for it - would pay -
                My Soul's entire income -
                In ceaseless - salary -
                One Pearl - to me - so signal -
                That I would instant dive -
                Although - I knew - to take it -
                Would cost me - just a life!

                The Sea is full - I know it!
                That - does not blur my Gem!
                It burns - distinct from all the row -
                Intact - in Diadem!

                The life is thick - I know it!
                Yet - not so dense a crowd -
                But Monarchs - are perceptible -
                Far down the dustiest Road!
                Vota la poesia: Commenta