Scritta da: Anna De Santis
I'd like christmas to be a magic word
Give me your hand,
and i'll take you away
to see sufferings
diseases and privations.
It's the story of people
deprived of ddignity,
without anything more.
I'd like Christmas
to be a magic world,
I'd like all the cildrenn
happily to daydream.
Come along with me!
A small help is enough,
we'll involve all the world.
Will is surely all,
and so many chilren
will probably love,
what everyone needs,
a home and a family.
Stop images of death
because of useless wars
of hunger, famine
end so many diseases.
Find out in your heart
what you've got in excess,
give all the people
who haven't got anything.
All that you have
and all that you give
will come back to you.