Scritta da: Manuela Camporaso
Così come la gravità ci ancora al terreno, così i nostri cuori ci ancorano ai nostri corpi. Se vuoi volare, devi imparare a danzare sul dolore.
Così come la gravità ci ancora al terreno, così i nostri cuori ci ancorano ai nostri corpi. Se vuoi volare, devi imparare a danzare sul dolore.
People love me when I'm honest with others. Until it's their turn.
Le persone mi amano quando sono onesto con gli altri. Finché non tocca a loro.
The night falls asleep on your lips, the sun wakes up in your eyes, my smile is the reflection of your universe.
My heart frantically dances on the plate of the night, while a wolf is staring at me and smiles hungry, ready to grasp all my corrupted fears.
È molto più facile sognare quando tutto è completamente surreale o immaginario. La vita è bella ma anche piena di brutture. La vera forza è nella capacità di lasciare che, un po' di caparbia e camaleontica poesia, si infiltri nella nostra realtà quotidiana.
In the last thirty years i have observed, quite a lot, i would say. It is not a surprise to anyone that many of the people who have become (relatively) successful have often stolen their ideas from others. No all of them, of course. There is always the "original creator" somewhere. I am almost certain that our world is lead by great and fine manipulators, but i am not judging here. I certainly understand that the war for success requires a highly competitive attitude, but i would never conform to that. I care too much about being myself that i am even happy to gift others of my own ideas, with all the blessings from the Sky to follow. I am only saddened that, from the beginning of time, the desperate and sophisticated tactics of our own ego are too often justified in name of that "success or glory" so greedily yearned.
Imagination is Free and Unlimited. Use it.
Who you are today is the result of your Experience.
Want to be more? Experience More.
Our thoughts are not new. What we think, what we write, have been with us from the beginning of time.
Creativity allows many of us to express the same things, in different ways.
Creativity is our attempt to connect, just for an instant, to the original divine source.
Il mio cuore è il mezzo che guida la mia vita. La mia anima ne aggiusta la direzione, mentre la mia mente è impegnata a creare la destinazione.