To be forgot by thee Surpasses Memory Of other minds The Heart cannot forget Unless it contemplate What it declines I was regarded then Raised from oblivion A single time To be remembered what - Worthy to be forgot My low renown.
Of Death I try to think like this, The Well in which they lay us Is but the Likeness of the Brook That menaced not to slay us, But to invite by that Dismay Which is the Zest of sweetness To the same Flower Hesperian, Decoying but to greet us - I do remember when a Child With bolder Playmates straying To where a Brook that seemed a Sea Withheld us by it's roaring From just a Purple Flower beyond Until constrained to clutch it If Doom itself were the result, The boldest leaped, and clutched it.
Image of Light, Adieu - Thanks for the interview - So long - so short - Preceptor of the whole - Coeval Cardinal - Impart - Depart. Immagine di Luce, Addio - Grazie per l'udienza - Così lunga - così corta - Precettore del tutto - Coevo Cardine - Sveli - T'involi -
I groped for him before I knew With solemn nameless need All other bounty sudden chaff For this foreshadowed Food Which others taste and spurn and sneer - Though I within suppose That consecrated it could be The only Food that grows. Vagheggiavo di lui prima di conoscerlo Con solenne innominato bisogno Ogni altro premio subito sminuito Da questo adombrato Cibo Che altri assaggiano e rifiutano e sprezzano - Sebbene intimamente io ritenga Che consacrato debba essere Come il solo Cibo che cresce.
"Go tell it" - What a Message - To whom - is specified - Not murmur - not endearment - But simply - we obeyed - Obeyed - a Lure - a Longing? Oh Nature - none of this - To Law - said Sweet Thermopylae I give my dying Kiss. "Va' a dirlo" - Che Messaggio - A chi - è specificato - Niente mormorio - niente affetto - Ma semplicemente - obbedimmo - Obbedimmo - a Lusinga - a Brama? Oh Natura - nulla di ciò - Alla legge - dissero le Dolci Termopili Do il mio Bacio morente.
Bliss is the Plaything of the child - The secret of the man The sacred stealth of Boy and Girl Rebuke it if we can. Beatitudine è il Giocattolo del bambino - Il segreto dell'uomo Il sacro furto di Ragazzi e Ragazze Rimproveriamoli se ne siamo capaci.
Those - dying then, Knew where they went - They went to God's Right Hand - That Hand is amputated now And God cannot be found - The abdication of Belief Makes the Behavior small - Better an ignis fatuus Than no illume at all.
Wir wollten zusammen bauen Ein eigenes schönes Haus, Hoch wie ein Schloß zu schauen Mit dem Blick über Strom und Auen Auf die stillen Wälder hinaus.
Wir wollten alles verlernen, Was klein und häßlich war, Wir wollten Nähen und Fernen Mit Glücksliedern übersternen, Die Kränze des Glückes im Haar.
Nun hab ich ein Schloß erbauet In verstiegener Höhenruh; Meine Sehnsucht steht dort und schauet Sich müd und der Tag vergrauet, - Prinzessin, wo bliebest du?
Nun gebe ich allen Winden Meine heißen Lieder mit. Sie sollen dich suchen und finden Und sollen das Leid dir künden, Das mein Herz um dich erlitt.
Sie sollen dir auch erzählen, Ein lockend unendliches Glück, Sie sollen dich küssen und quälen Und sollen den Schlummer dir stehen - Prinzessin, wann kommst du zurück.