La radice di ogni problema non si trova in esso, bensì in quello che gli ha dato origine. Se scoprì la sua causa, chissà potrai liberarti del suo peso più facilmente.
The root of every problem is not found in it, but in what that gave origin to it. If you discover its cause, who knows you will be able to get rid of its weight more easily.
I believe that God has not repented of having created man, but instead of having granted him intelligence and thought. Perhaps he could not even imagine that they could make him a cruel and bloodthirsty predator of nature and its flora and fauna, and even of his fellowmen and himself.
In a few centuries who knows what story will be told about us, internauts and Facebook users of the 21st century?
Could it be that we will be seen as ancient biblical Facebook characters? Will our profiles, groups and pages even be stored and made available to future scholars and scientists, either for archaeological or scientific research purposes?
I am too curious and my curiosity assails me and does not leave me alone.
The root of every problem is not found in it, but in what that gave origin to it. If you discover its cause, who knows you will be able to get rid of its weight more easily.
Jean-Paul Malfatti
Jean-Paul Malfatti
Jean-Paul Malfatti
Se la primitiva Chiesa vecchio stile non cambia, può capitare che i giovani cattolici cambino chiesa.
Jean-Paul Malfatti
Se la primitiva Chiesa vecchio stile non cambia, può capitare che i giovani cattolici cambino chiesa.
Jean-Paul Malfatti
Se la primitiva Chiesa vecchio stile non cambia, può capitare che i giovani cattolici cambino chiesa.
Jean-Paul Malfatti
Se la primitiva Chiesa vecchio stile non cambia, può capitare che i giovani cattolici cambino chiesa.
Jean-Paul Malfatti
Se la primitiva Chiesa vecchio stile non cambia, può capitare che i giovani cattolici cambino chiesa.
Jean-Paul Malfatti
L'istruzione è una salvaguardia della libertà migliore di un esercito permanente.
Edward Everett
Traduzione di Jean-Paul Malfatti, poeta in erba e scrittore alle prime armi italoamericano.
Could it be that we will be seen as ancient biblical Facebook characters? Will our profiles, groups and pages even be stored and made available to future scholars and scientists, either for archaeological or scientific research purposes?
I am too curious and my curiosity assails me and does not leave me alone.
Jean-Paul Malfatti